D.C. Public Library, Cleveland Park Public Library, Washington, D.C.
27,000 SF
MEP/FP Design, Net Zero Energy Design, LEED, Design-Build, Life Safety, Geothermal, PV System
LEED Gold Target”
MEP/FP Design Engineering & Net Zero Energy Design Services
D.C. Public Library contracted Perkins Eastman and Gilbane to provide the Design Build services for the new 27,000 sf library. As their partner, SETTY completed the MEP/FP design services. SETTY provided two MEP/FP designs—a “standard” design, and an alternate Net Zero Energy design.
Due to funding, the Net Zero Energy design was not implemented. However, the new library features a range of sustainable technologies, including a ground source heat pump, geothermal wells, a Dedicated Outdoor Air System (DOAS) for ventilation, and an energy-efficient radiant floor heating system. Additional sustainable features included roof-mounted photovoltaic arrays, LED lighting, and daylighting .
The new Cleveland Park Library opened on March 2017.