Department of State, OBO, Embassy of Indonesia Swing Space, Jakarta, Indonesia
Building Automation System
Their Bureau of Overseas Building Operation (OBO) leases building space in foreign countries, which includes this 19-story building with two levels of parking. SETTY provided M/E/P and integrated controls design services to prepare drawings, specifications and to conduct on-site Construction Administration services for the Department of State’s embassy offices. The U.S. Embassy in Jakarta occupies several floors of this facility, thereby requiring SETTY’s designs to include compound access controls, guard booths, motorized gates and barriers, security systems and other security related infrastructures.
Scope of services included:
Review of the local code requirements and how it impacts the project.
Review of the availability of local materials, and whether or not it met U.S. standards.
Design of a new digital addressable fire alarm system.
Incorporation of new independent Building Automation System with Johnson Controls for communication to the existing building systems.
Design of control systems with communication gateway to existing system.
Integration of Fire Alarm System to the existing BAS and Schneider Electric Systems.