DC Water Administrative HQ-Fundamental & Enhanced Commissioning, Washington, DC
151,300 SF
LEED PLatinum Certified”
The green curvy building along the Anacostia River is built to consolidate staff and improve accessibility for the public.
This new Administrative Headquarters is a six-story Class A office building, incorporating almost every state-of-the-art environmentally sustainable feature used in modern construction. Built over an operating pump station in the Capital Riverfront neighborhood, the new headquarters of DC Water — the sewer and water utility serves the District of Columbia and several suburban jurisdictions.
Spread across a whopping 151,300 GSF area, the building houses approximately 350 employees and allows DC Water to consolidate its administrative offices into a single location.
Our services towards this LEED Platinum certified building includes Fundamental and Enhanced Commissioning.
Systems included in commissioning are:
Heating, Ventilating, and Air Conditioning (HVAC) Systems and associated controls.
Electrical Lighting and Day-lighting Controls.
Plumbing Systems, Domestic Hot Water System(s).
Rain water + 100% DOAS.
20% Chilled Beam sampling
Waste Water heating, controls.