GSA, National Capital Region IDIQ, Washington, DC


MEP Design

St. Elizabeth’s West Campus

Comprehensive evaluation of the pertinent HVAC system and acoustic issues.

PAL Permitting Services HOTD

GSA desires to obtain a Plant-wide Applicability Limit (PLA) permit to allow it to make ongoing minor process changes without having to apply for a new permit every time. To this end, SETTY has been retained to provide technical support in obtaining said PAL permit.

Department of Veteran’s Affairs Conference Room

Architectural and MEP design for the renovation of a DOVA Conference Room.

FEMA Building Assessment

The aim of this project is to produce a Building Assessment Report (BAR) for two adjacent buildings and their sites.

US Secret Service Headquarters Fitness Center

Design for the renovation and upgrade of the Fitness Center to include weight training room (C803), physical training room (C800), storage area (C805), locker rooms etc.