NY Office of General Services, Sing Sing Correctional Facility, Ossing, NY
40-building integration
Master Controls Integration, Fire Protection Systems Design, Mechanical and Electrical Design
Buildsmart NY Targets”
Building Automation Controls Design, Air Handling Unit & Fire Alarm Replacement
After years of failing controls and system breakdowns, NY OGS determined that an overhaul and upgrade of not only the controls, but also the management of those controls would benefit the energy optimization, efficiencies of the maintenance staff, and overall comfort and life safety of the inmates and staff.
Sing Sing Correctional Facilities are made up of 40 buildings where the steam and hot water distribution systems run both in tunnels and below grade. The buildings, however, were stand alone from a controls perspective. The central plant for these types of facilities, as well, is typically outside the prison walls,
SETTY redesigned the existing Building Automation Control (BAC) system, Human Interface, network communication infrastructure and associated DDC equipment. Our solution to the challenge leveraged the underground steam tunnels as a pathway for the communication cables allowing for free-run pathways to interconnect the 40 buildings that make up Sing Sing through a phased design. Our solution allows for the integration and coordinated management of the entire facility from a central location. Moreover, we included fire alarm replacement designs to make for an efficient project for NY OGS. The design also includes the infrastructure provisions necessary to comply with BUILDSMART NY’s Executive Order 88, which focuses on improving the energy efficiency of state-owned facilities by 20 percent by April 2020.