USDA, ARTC Construction of New Laboratory / Office and Headhouse / Greenhouse, Salinas, CA
108,000 SF
In 2007, designs for the new laboratories, greenhouses & headhouse for the Agricultural Research Technology Center (ARTC) was complete. However, construction was suspended due to lack of funding. These projects were later identified in the USDA ARS Capital Investment Strategy and in 2016, SETTY was retained to update the drawings according to current codes and standards through an IDIQ.
The project was originally planned to be a 3-phase program. However, with recent funding strategies, the entire complex is envisioned to be constructed in 2-phases.
SETTY’s scope towards constructing the new facilities in phase 1 include constructing laboratory & office of approximately 39,400 GSF and 31,600 GSF in the east and west wings respectively. This 2-building concept forms a courtyard at the center.
Phase-2 consists of headhouse and greenhouse of approximately 37,000 SF. It features 3 blocks of greenhouses running north to south from the headhouse. This orientation provides less inflow of light during winters yet more light is available for one complete year. Temporary offices and laboratories are used as swing space to ensure continuity of operations, including accommodation for ongoing experiments.