USDA Agricultural Technology Research Center, New Laboratory/Office & Headhouse/Greenhouse, Salinas, CA
126,000 SF
new construction
idiq contract”
In 2007, the designs were completed for new laboratories, greenhouses & headhouse for the Agricultural Research Technology Center, in Salinas, California. In 2012, the projects were identified in the 2012 USDA, ARS Capital Investment Strategy and in 2016, SETTY was retained to update the drawings to current codes and standards through our IDIQ with the USDA. The project scope includes constructing the new facilities in 2 phases as shown below:
The Lab/Office Wings (Phase 1) are a two-building concept with two building masses forming a courtyard in the center. The lab buildings are 72,075 GSF with approximately 33,034 GSF in the west wing and 39,041 GSF in the east wing. Each of the two wings is connected via two covered raised pedestrian walkway bridges to form a complete circulation loop.
The scheme associates offices with labs, and creates common work areas that are centralized on each floor. In addition to the lab structures in Phase 1, permanent greenhouse swing space structures and insect house were constructed on the south east side of the site. Upon completion of Phase 1, the USDA will move into the labs and vacate existing buildings which will be demolished to accommodate the Phase 2 construction.
The Phase 2 Headhouse and Greenhouse layout consists of three blocks of greenhouses running north/south from the head house, an orientation which provides less light inside during the winter but overall more available light for one complete year. The total greenhouse space including links to the headhouse is 23,700 GSF. The headhouse area is 10,000 GSF.
The project was originally planned as a three-phase program, however with new funding strategies, the entire complex is being constructed in two phases, using temporary offices and laboratories as swing space to ensure a continuity of operations, including accommodation of on-going experiments.
SETTY scope of work includes program re-validation and updating the 2007 construction documents to comply with 2016 codes and standards across all disciplines, including Architecture, Laboratory Planning & Design, MEP Engineering, Structural Engineering, Greenhouse & Head House design, Civil and Landscape Design, and Cost Estimating. The Basis of Design requirements were updated to current technologies, reviewed mechanical calculations, converted all documentation from metric to English units, and updated/rewrote the specifications to the SpecsIntact format.
The team ensured that the energy-saving, sustainability, and environmental designs conformed to ARS 242.1. Additionally, developed a detailed Operation and Maintenance Plan specific to the new buildings at the Salinas location, incorporating all new MEP equipment. SETTY also served as the prime designer, providing owner’s representative services.